Happening Now Article 2
Joe Talbot always dreamed of working with Michel Gondry.
Nothing new is needed in this world at all, but if you’re going to make something new, then make something that somebody really wants.

Speaking over Zoom from the home she shares with her partner in Amsterdam, Alfhild emanates the same playful softness as her rugs. She tells me that as the world slowed down and her schedule was stripped back, she found she finally had the time to work on her project. She started by creating rugs for her friends. “Every single [rug] is made for a specific person and place. They are all inspired by the energy of the person that they are for. “It feels like the opposite of making something in a corporate way. Like, this piece is only for you. There is no process, no meetings, not too much thought. Just an intuitive feeling,” she smiles. “A lot of people were in isolation, so to make something that felt so personal and so softening was a nice way to feel connected.”

“Everything goes away when you do something with your hands like this.”

It triggers the sensa-
tion of a quiet moment alone, in transit, perhaps with headphones on, watching the world fly past.

It triggers the sensation of a quiet moment alone, in transit, perhaps with headphones on, watching the world fly past.

It triggers the sensation of a quiet moment alone, in transit, perhaps with headphones on, watching the world fly past.

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